H2020 project: QualDeEpc

High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation

QualDeEPC aims to increase the quality and cross-EU convergence of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) schemes, and to enhance the link between EPCs and deep renovation.

According to the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), the European Union has set itself the goal of reducing its energy consumption by 32.5% by 2030 compared to the 2007 reference scenario. An important instrument to enhance the market uptake of energy-efficient new buildings and in the energy-efficient renovation of buildings are the Energy Performance Certificates (EPC), regulated by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) of the European Commission.

The Horizon2020 funded project QualDeEPC will work on EU-wide harmonisation of, the building assessment and the issuance, design, and use of quality-enhanced EPCs as well as their recommendations for building renovation. The aim is to make these recommendations coherent with deep energy renovation towards a nearly-zero energy building stock by 2050.


In order to reach these objectives, the project will organise its activities in four stages:

1. Analysis of existing EPC schemes, good practice, shortcomings, and priorities for improvement
2. Development and testing of concrete proposals and tools for enhanced EPC assessment, certification and verification, as well as Deep Renovation Network Platforms
3. Adaptation to country needs and implementation of consensus elements, and developing a roadmap for further dialogue and
4. Sustainability Strategy and Conclusive policy recommendations, dialogue, and transfer.

Under the coordination of the Wuppertal Institute, the project partners will work to create consensus in the participating countries and beyond, and to implement as many improvements as possible during the project period, involving certification bodies, energy agencies, and other relevant organisations. Through intensive dialogue involving key actors at all levels, QualDeEPC will support the change to enhanced quality of EPCs and disseminate the project results to relevant target audiences across Europe.

The QualDeEPC project will be carried out with ten partners from eight different European countries over a period of three years.

The EPC gGmbH is responsible for all internal and external communication and dissemination activities and therefore provides all necessary framework concepts and materials.


Project duration

September 2019 – August 2022


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The Project consortium


Funding information

