Competences for tomorrow´s energies: a qualification scheme for bioenergy consultancy

The massive increase in renewable energy production is a declared objective of European policy to reduce CO2-emissions significantly. Among the different renewable energies bioenergy already constitutes the highest share in many European countries.

Consultants and multipliers play an outstanding role in the field of bioenergy since planning and investment decisions demand high-quality consultancy services concerning technical as well as organisational aspects. Many consultants have general experience in renewable energies, but do lack far-reaching, specific bioenergy expertise. Q-BICON particularly addresses these gaps by setting up a vocational training scheme for consultants and multipliers in the bioenergy sector. Based on a detailed market and demand analysis the project develops an innovative curriculum as basis for a blended learning course. Besides curriculum modules focusing on bioenergy technologies and aspects of sustainability the course will also comprise teaching units to improve knowledge management and consultancy skills. The pilot course will be tested in all consortium countries. The Q-BICON partners will disseminate the project results to the target audience by approaching umbrella organisations as well as individual key players. The consortium mainly consists of bioenergy experts and vocational training centres.

The project Q-BICON runs from November 2012 until October 2014. EPC is in charge with the communications management and the public relations of the project.

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Project duration

November 2012 - October 2014

The Project consortium
Funding information

Life Long Learning Programme - Leonardo da Vinci

EU LLL eng kl